What do you need from God?

My husband and I have been married for forty-plus years and when I speak to him I can use his full name, his nickname, or a term of endearment. If we need to talk seriously, I call him by his full name. It’s a clue to be sober-minded. When I call him to the dinner table I call him Honey. Preparing a meal he enjoys is an act of love on my part and I’m delighted to serve it to him.

In the Old Testament original text, God is referred to by numerous names and titles.

What’s the value of knowing God’s names?

Knowing God’s names and what they mean allows you to reach out to Him with specificity.

In a battle?
Jehovah Sabaoth- the Lord of the hosts of armies?,

Jehovah Shammah- the Lord my companion

Need guidance?
Jehovah Rohi-The Lord my shepherd

Learning and using His names has impacted how I pray and worship. When I use a particular name because I have a particular need, my assurance and faith strengthen. When I call out a name and its meaning, I know I’m knocking on the right door. When I read the scripture and see His actions connected to that name, I experience peace.

I have designed a set of  Names of God cards you can use for your prayer and worship time. Each set contains 22 cards. Each card has one of God’s specific names, its meaning, Bible references, and how each name meets a specific human need.

Click here to order your Names of God cards.

Here’s a great article on the history and benefits of calling on the name of the Lord.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. Proverbs 18:10

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