Confusion has an agenda.

confusionEmotional, mental, and physical rest are all important, and you probably accept that as truth. But where are you in your practice?

Beginner – You want to learn to rest, but it’s still a new concept to you.
Intermediate – You have some practices, but they can be outranked by limited time or other’s demands.
Advanced – You are committed and proud of it!

Confusion will steal your rest like a starving dog in a meat locker. Its agenda is to keep you hustling or feeling guilty or continuing to press on through exhaustion. Confusion demands attention. It pulls your mind into inner dialogues like

Everything lies on your shoulders. If you stop now, everyone loses! Keep hustling. You’re almost there. Who cares that the work you produce when you’re tired has less quality? Just get it done! Do you think Sandy Superstar needs rest? You’re lame!

Don’t give confusion your quality time. When you feel confused about resting, ask yourself these two simple questions.

1) Should I follow confusion and explore what it has to say?
2) Do I engage with Holy Spirit and explore what He has to say?

You already have a track record with God. You hear from Him and are able to discern between wisdom and fear. He holds your future in His hands and you may stop, but the world doesn’t. God is the Alpha and Omega.

Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?  1 Corinthians 1:20

If learning to rest was easy, how much less stress and anxiety would we have in our culture? It’s a journey that adds to your pursuit of wholeness. Keep learning. Keep taking risks. Keep believing when people see a person who practices rest, they might believe in a Savior who promotes it.

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