Worry is a liar!

Worry is a persuader. It tells stories with bad endings. It tells stories of loss. When you allow worry to have a place in your mind it says things like:

  • You’re losing money.
  • You’re losing your reputation.
  • You’re losing relationships.
  • You’re losing traction.

What is your relationship with worry?

In many family cultures worry is a badge of honor, it shows you care. Many of us learned to worry from watching our elders (who probably didn’t know better) worry about everything from conflict within the family to mounting laundry. If this describes you, “It’s time to break up with worry!”

Worry doesn’t help you reach goals, make or keep friends or have a peaceful life. There are numerous ways to fight the habit of worry.

  1. You might need to do an Exchange. Take the habit and bad beliefs to the Cross. The link leads you to the free workshop.
  2. Use Bible verses that remind you worry isn’t God’s idea. Assemble a few verses in the form of a prayer and use them as a weapon when you begin to worry.
  3. Use gratitude as a weapon. List things you are grateful for and watch your anxiety level lower.

Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
1 Cor. 15:33

Imagine worry like a person. Worry isn’t a good person to hang out with because worry has an agenda. The agenda is to derail you from being the person God created you to be and keep you from your purpose. You were created for great things. Unfriend worry and get to the business of your future!

I would love to connect with you! Reach out anytime and set up a call to discuss how I can help you work through your challenges with worry.

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