It will be okay, so long as Jesus is your ROCK!


Let go and let God is a standard Christianese quote. It’s the realization that something is bigger than self, attainable ONLY with God’s intervention. It’s simplistic but requires multiple steps to make it happen. Releasing unrealized goals, dreams and plans feels like failure to a person that is known for getting things done, climbing mountains, etc. You could write your unrealized life plans on a slip of paper, stand in an open field and let the wind take it away while you chant, It’s yours, God. I’m letting go, or you could meet with God and find out His perspective.


  1. Meet with God and be honest about your feelings. Name your pain in the conversation. Are you confused, disappointed, or afraid? Hearing yourself be honest is the first step to taking pressure off of yourself. When you decide to Let Go and Let God, it is important to end your time with God with RESOLVE, a firm conviction that God is on your side.
  2. Once you’re confident you are partnering with God (You’re not independent of Him or scrambling to find Him.), you can take a step of FAITH. This might mean taking on new thoughts, new words or new actions. When we step out in faith, we’re trusting in Him and not ourselves.
  3. PEACE is the by-product of your certainty (RESOLVE) that God’s got this and your willingness to step out in FAITH (Do something new or do something in a new way). The Bible tells us to pursue peace. Assurance of God’s character and your courage to step into unknown territory will give you the PEACE that passes all understanding.

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9

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